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Care & Maintenance

How do I clean my furniture?

The best way to clean your furniture is to wipe it down with a lightly dampened cloth and followed by a dry cloth.  In certain cases you may wish to use a gentle detergent, like an oil soap, if you need to clean up oil or grease.


How do I care for solid wood furniture?

To properly care for a piece of enbefurniture it is critical that you understand a thing or two about solid wood. 


Wood swells in the presence of moisture and contracts when its dry.  Over the course of a year you will witness a gradual fluctuation of environmental humidity, and your solid wood furniture will respond, imperceptibly swelling and contracting from season to season.  This is natural.  


Problems arise when wood is suddenly transferred from an overly damp environment to an overly dry one, or if it is allowed to dry out too much too quickly.  This sudden drying will cause solid wood to crack.  Be mindful of this.  Make sure solid wood furniture isn't kept too close to hot radiator or blasting hot air vents.  And if you sense that your home is getting too dry, you might consider protecting your solid wood furniture by introducing a humidifier to the environment.


How do I maintain a hardwax oil finish?

The best way to maintain the surface of your furniture is to keep it clean and dry.  Using tablecloths, placemats and coasters on tabletops, wiping up spills when they occur, and generally keeping fluids from sitting on the surface of your solid wood furniture are the best things you can do.  

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